Health and Wellness

Health Benefits of Peanuts(Groundnuts) | How Much Peanuts To Eat Per Day

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How beneficial are peanuts or groundnuts for your health? So today we will learn in depth about some of their amazing health benefits and also know how many peanuts you should eat in a day. (Health benefits of eating peanuts) When people should not eat peanuts, in which season eating peanuts is most beneficial. What harm or benefit can peanuts/groundnuts do to you? What should you keep in mind?

Nutritional Value of Peanuts

Peanuts are called winter nuts. Peanuts are a powerhouse of nutrition. It contains rich amount of protein which helps in building our muscles. It also contains healthy fat which keeps our heart health good. It contains vitamins like Vitamin-E, minerals like magnesium which are very important for our overall health. You get almost all the essential vitamins, minerals and high quality protein in peanuts.

Now let’s talk about some health benefits of peanuts that make it a super food in its category (Benefits of eating groundnuts in winter).

Beneficial in Weight Management

If you are weight conscious. If you want to stop your weight from increasing or want to lose weight, then peanuts will help you a lot. Peanuts also help in our weight management. We often think that eating peanuts can lead to weight gain, but scientific studies say something else.

Scientific studies show that peanuts contain high protein and high fiber which gives us a feeling of satiety. The stomach remains full and because of this we eat less food. Despite eating less food, we continue to get energy throughout the day and do not feel weak at all.

But this does not mean that if you want to eat peanuts to lose weight then you should eat only peanuts. If you eat peanuts in large quantities then it can also cause harm to you.

Peanuts contain a lot of calories, so if you consume it in excess, your weight may increase instead of decreasing.

Keeps Heart Healthy

How are peanuts beneficial for heart health? Why are peanuts so good for our hearts? Research shows that the healthy fats like monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats present in peanuts help manage our cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Some people also think that peanuts contain cholesterol. Although this is not true, peanuts contain no cholesterol at all – zero cholesterol. Isn’t this an amazing fact? However, zero cholesterol does not mean that you start eating peanuts to your heart’s content.

Moderation is important because peanuts are a calorie-rich food. Eating too much can increase your triglycerides and lead to obesity.

Peanuts also contain antioxidants like resveratrol, which reduce heart inflammation and also improve blood circulation. This means that eating peanuts regularly improves your heart health. Your heart becomes stronger. Cholesterol level also remains controlled.

Just keep one thing in mind that eat peanuts in small quantities only. We will tell you later in this article how much to eat peanuts per day

 Another special health benefit is that it can prevent gall stones. It also prevents gallbladder stones. Gall bladder stones have become a very common health problem nowadays, especially among women.

But according to research, nutrients like magnesium, healthy fats and fiber present in peanuts reduce the risk of gallstones. These nutrients keep the digestive system running smoothly and reduce the chances of gallstone formation.

Keeps Skin Glowing

Peanuts are also beneficial for our skin in many ways. Peanuts are rich in antioxidants like Vitamin-E, which is a very powerful antioxidant that keeps the skin youthful. Protects our skin from free radicals and prevents early aging or skin damage.

This vitamin-E is found in abundance in peanuts, so if you want your skin to always look fresh and youthful, then you must include peanuts in your diet. Restraint is very important. If you consume it in excess quantity then it can harm you. Eating too many peanuts can sometimes cause boils, rashes and allergies.

Beneficial in Diabetes

Peanuts are also a very good food for diabetic patients. Nowadays diabetes has become a very common problem and peanuts can help us a lot in it. Although people often think that eating peanuts has a bad effect on blood sugar, in reality peanuts do not allow blood sugar to increase but maintain it.

Peanuts have a low glycemic index GI, which means they do not raise blood sugar levels rapidly. The glycemic index of peanuts is 14, which is very low. Foods with a glycemic index (GI) ranging from 1 to 55 are generally safe for diabetics. Peanuts keep your blood sugar stable, which can be very helpful in managing diabetes.

The healthy fats they contain increase insulin sensitivity, which means they help your body use insulin better. This is a very important step for diabetes control as insulin resistance is found in people suffering from diabetes.

Therefore, if diabetic patients use peanuts properly in their diet, the increase in insulin resistance can be prevented. Or those who are new diabetic patients or those who are in pre-diabetes, then eating peanuts can be of great help in such cases also.

Building and Maintaining Muscle

Now we will talk about another unique benefit of peanuts which is muscle building and maintenance. If you want to build muscles or maintain your body, then peanuts can be a very good diet for you.

Peanuts contain high amounts of protein which is essential for muscle building and muscle repair. When we work out, our muscles need protein for recovery and growth. Every 100 grams of peanuts contains about 25 to 30 grams of protein. Which makes it an excellent source of plant-based protein, especially if you’re a vegetarian.

Therefore, you must eat peanuts so that your muscles can be built properly and recovery within your muscles can happen as soon as possible.

How Much Peanuts Per Day

Patience is very important. How many peanuts is it safe to eat daily? Generally, you can eat between 30 to 60 grams of peanuts daily, that is, you can eat about a handful of peanuts daily.

However, this quantity may be slightly more or less depending on your age, health condition and your overall diet. A young adult who exercises regularly may need a little more protein, so he may eat a little more. At the same time, it is very important for a diabetic patient to keep the quantity of peanuts under control.

When Not To Eat Groundnuts

If you have any kind of allergy or any health problem then consult your doctor first. According to Ayurveda, peanuts are generally considered to be hot in nature, that is, it provides heat to the body. This is a good thing in the winter season, but in summer it will be better for you to eat a little less because it can increase the heat in the body.

Both Ayurveda and modern science recommend eating soaked peanuts. By eating soaked peanuts, the anti-nutrients present in peanuts, which hinder the absorption of nutrients, are reduced and its effect also becomes a little cooling. Therefore, if you eat soaked peanuts in summer, you will get more benefits.

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