Pregnancy Tips

Rakshabandhan Festival in 2023 and Pregnancy care – Correct Date and Timings

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It’s Rakshabandhan and you are pregnant, so you have to keep few things in mind. You need to take some precautions during the festive season, don’t forget them. So in this article, you will understand what mistakes a pregnant woman can make on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan. These mistakes are not only harmful for you but harm your fetus more.

When is Raksha Bandhan 2023

First of all, let’s clear the confusion whether Raksha Bandhan is on 30 August 2023 or 31 August 2023. So in 2023, Raksha Bandhan will mainly be celebrated on 31st August, Thursday and its other timings are given below:

The right time to tie rakhi – 3 times have been mentioned. You can tie or tie rakhi whenever you feel comfortable.

August 31, 2023 – 5:59 AM – 7:34 AM
August 31, 2023 – 12:25 PM – 3:30 PM
August 31, 2023 – 5:10 PM – 8:07 PM

Take care of diet

It is a matter of festival and lot of sweet dishes are prepared. On the day of Rakshabandhan, sweets come in the house, but special dishes like puri pakoras are also made at home. Eating more sweets and oil food in pregnancy is considered unsafe. It is difficult to ignore completely that’s why eat in them in limit. If there is a problem of sugar, then do not eat it at all.

Should pregnant women travel on Rakshabandhan or not

It’s Raksha Bandhan and you may have to travel. Traveling during pregnancy is not considered safe sometime. If there are any complications in your pregnancy, you have been told by the doctor to take bed rest then traveling in this condition can be very unsafe. In high risk pregnancy, you cannot travel at all. Now it comes to when it is safe to travel. So if your pregnancy is in between 4 to 7 months and your pregnancy is going very healthy then you can travel. In this also you have to go carefully, slowly with many stops in between your journey. Traveling by 2 wheelers is not considered safe during pregnancy.

Don’t forget yourself while being host

If guests are coming home on the day of Raksha Bandhan, then take special care not to over-exert yourself. If you have to work, then do it comfortably, stopping in between. Do not stand for long and do not sit in one place for long time. If there is a lot of crowd in the house, then try to keep some distance from everyone because there should not be any kind of pressure on you. Neither physical nor mental. Don’t forget to take your medicine and eat from time to time. And in the midst of all this, keep in mind that your body remains hydrated, that is, you have to keep drinking water in between.

These were some things to keep in mind on the day of Raksha Bandhan festival and celebrate the festival properly. Thank you for reading this article on

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