Benefits of eating green gram (cholia) in winter season

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Benefits of green gram i.e. Cholia: Must eat in winters

If you are a vegetarian or vegan, then let us tell you that you must include green gram in your diet. This plant-based diet can benefit your health in many ways. Green gram which is also called Chholiya in Hindi. Their shape is like black gram but the color is green. Unlike black gram, green gram does not require soaking before cooking.

Even if you eat it raw, you still get benefits. These belong to the bean family and grow only in winter. Like black gram, you can also make vegetable from green gram. Apart from this, you can also include it in sprouts. Let us tell you that green gram or chana is called super food.

Nutritional value in green gram

It contains many essential vitamins like Vitamin A, C and E. Apart from this, there are many other minerals including fiber, sodium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, iron, phosphorus, calories, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, amino acids, folate, fatty acids.

Benefits of eating green gram

Let us tell you that green gram is a storehouse of protein. You can consume green gram to nourish your hair internally. By eating this, the hair gets a good amount of protein which prevents hair breakage, fall and thinning.

By eating green gram during pregnancy, you get folate, which helps in proper development of the fetus. Folate protects the baby from birth defects in the womb. Rich in Vitamin B-9 and folate, green gram is helpful in keeping you away from problems like mood swings, anxiety and depression.

Green gram contains fiber which also maintains stomach health. Green gram improves your digestion.

Apart from this, green gram contains abundant amount of iron which compensates for blood deficiency. Therefore, people who have anemia in their body must consume green gram.

Blood sugar patients must include it in their diet. By eating half a bowl of gram in a week, blood sugar comes under control to a great extent.

Green gram is rich in magnesium and potassium which play an important role in controlling high blood pressure. Keeping blood pressure under control helps a lot in maintaining good heart health.

You can easily control cholesterol by consuming green gram. Eat green gram regularly for a healthy heart. It restricts the absorption of cholesterol in the blood and thus the level of LDL or bad cholesterol in the blood does not increase. Consumption of green gram helps in controlling cholesterol.

Green gram contains plant base protein which is very important for maintaining overall mental and physical strength. By including green gram in your daily diet, you can help build muscle, reduce hair fall, and rejuvenate dull skin.

Besides, it can also help you a lot in reducing and managing weight. This is because green gram is low in sodium and fat and also contains a good amount of protein, which can help a lot in reducing weight and increasing muscles. Green gram is also called the power house of fiber. Eating things rich in fiber helps a lot in weight loss.

Green gram contains abundant fiber which keeps you from feeling hungry for a long time as fiber is not digested quickly. Apart from this, it provides all types of amino acids to the body.

Being rich in Vitamin A, green gram is also beneficial for the health of your eyes.

Let us tell you that green gram is also very good for our beauty. It is a good source of proteins, minerals and vitamins which not only removes weakness but also gives energy to the body. Due to which the face automatically glows and stomach related problems go away.

So these were the benefits of eating green gram. If you liked the article, please share it. Thank you

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