Pregnancy Tips

Baby Boy Symptoms – Are You Experiencing Any of These During Pregnancy

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Are you expecting a baby and wondering if you might be carrying a boy? While the most reliable way to determine the sex of your baby is through ultrasound or genetic testing, there are some fun and interesting signs that some believe may indicate you’re carrying a baby boy.

In this article, we’ll be sharing 15 potential signs that you may be having a baby boy.

Increased Urination

If you find yourself running to the bathroom more often than usual during pregnancy, it could be a sign that you are carrying a baby boy. The reason for this is that male foetuses produce more waste than female foetuses, which can lead to increased urination.

Your Baby is Active

If you notice that your baby is especially active in the womb, it may be a sign that you are carrying a boy. Boys tend to be more active in the womb than girls, so this could be a good indication of your baby’s gender.

Weight Gain

If you are gaining weight more rapidly than usual during your pregnancy, it could be a sign that you are having a boy. Boys tend to be larger than girls, which can lead to more weight gain during pregnancy.

Carrying Low

If you are carrying low during your pregnancy, it could be a sign that you are having a boy. Boys tend to settle lower in the uterus than girls, so this can be an indicator of your baby’s gender.

Linea Nigra

The linea nigra is the dark line that appears on your belly during pregnancy. If the line extends above your belly button, it could be a sign that you are carrying a boy.

Baby’s Heart Rate

The heart rate of your baby can also be an indicator of its gender. If the heart rate is under 140 beats per minute, it could mean you are having a boy.


If you are craving salty or savoury foods during your pregnancy, it could be a sign that you are having a boy. Boys are often associated with these types of food cravings.

Morning Sickness

If you experienced severe morning sickness during your first trimester, it could be a sign that you are carrying a boy. Studies have shown that women carrying boys are more likely to experience severe morning sickness.

Mood Swings

If you find yourself experiencing extreme mood swings during pregnancy, it could be a sign that you are having a boy. Boys have been associated with causing more emotional changes in their mothers during pregnancy.

Cold Feet

If you find that your feet are constantly cold during pregnancy, it could be an indicator that you are carrying a boy. This old wives’ tale is based on the belief that boys tend to have a colder body temperature than girls.

Sleeping Position

The position you prefer to sleep in during pregnancy can also be an indicator of your baby’s gender. If you prefer to sleep on your left side, you may be having a boy.


If you are experiencing more headaches than usual during pregnancy, it could be a sign that you are carrying a boy.

Daddy Weight Gain

Believe it or not, your partner’s weight gain during your pregnancy could also be an indicator of your baby’s gender. If your partner is gaining weight along with you, you may be having a boy.


Heartburn is a common symptom during pregnancy, but if you are experiencing it frequently, it could be an indicator that you are carrying a baby boy.

Baby’s Position in the Womb

The position of your baby in the womb can also be an indicator of its gender. If your baby is positioned lower in the uterus, it could mean you are having a boy.

While these old wives’ tales are not scientifically proven, they can be fun to speculate and guess based on these traditional indicators. Remember, the most accurate way to determine your baby’s gender is through an ultrasound or genetic testing.

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