Pregnancy Tips

Water Leaking From Breast During Pregnancy – Causes and Measures

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One of the first few physical changes that occur in the body of women during pregnancy is on their breasts. It is very common to have sensitivity, pain, cramping, heaviness and hardness in the breasts. In some women this change bothers them a lot, then there may not be such changes in some women as well. But is this change good or not , let us tell you that this change is not harmful in pregnancy. Rather, it is very important change in the breasts during pregnancy. It is a sign that your body is preparing itself to breastfeed the baby.

One of these very different changes in women’s breast is the discharge of white water from the breasts. During pregnancy, water starts leaking from the breast of women, about which women become very worried.


Causes and solutions for water leaking from breasts

In the last trimester of pregnancy or during the entire pregnancy, there may be a discharge of water or milk-like white color fluid from the breasts of women. Do not panic at all because it is happening due to hormonal changes in the body. The color of the water can be white like milk or it can also be light yellow, which is called colostrum. During pregnancy, the process of making of milk in the woman’s body starts.

Is this first milk good or bad

This is the first milk and it contains very important nutrients. These nutrients are very helpful in increasing the immunity of the baby after birth. After delivery, when the baby starts drinking mother’s milk and as the baby takes feed continuously for two to four days, then the production of colostrum stops but milk continues to be made for the baby. During this time, when the baby breast feeds, a hormone called oxytocin is also released in the woman’s body. This oxytocin hormone is very helpful in bringing the woman’s uterus in the right position.

Other causes of water leaking from breast

But apart from this, there can be some other reasons for water coming out of the breast in women, which are as follows.

Due to thyroid

If you have had thyroid problem during pregnancy, then during pregnancy also there is excess flow of water from your breasts and this problem persists when your thyroid increases or decreases.

Infection in the breast

If you have got any type of infection in your breasts during pregnancy, which is mostly due to moisture in this area, infection in the breast or in the nipple area, water can also come out of your breast, it can leak.

Lump formation problem

If you have a lump in the breast which is small or big or very hard, then also this type of white or yellowish water can leak from your breasts.

Wearing a tight bra

If you wear a tight bra during pregnancy, then because of that you also have this problem. The breasts become very sensitive during this time. Wearing a tight bra during this time somewhere can rub the breast, due to which the water from your breast can drain.

Best solution to breast leaking problem


Wear padded bra

You should wear a padded bra one size bigger than your size. During this time there is a fear of getting the clothes wet if there is more leakage, which can make us feel embarrassed somewhere. Go for a padded bra, it will absorb this fluid that comes out of the breasts and does not allow you to get moisture in the breast area. To avoid this, it is very important to wear a padded bra.

Contact your doctor

If you are getting this flow too much and too thick, you are also having pain, you are having problems like this in only one breast, you see some red colored substance coming from your breast during this time, then you should see a doctor immediately.


Some Good Padded Bra Link : You may try this one

or this one 

Apart from this information, if you are having other problems related to breasts, then you must meet your doctor as soon as possible. If you found this article worthy, kindly share and read more on garbhgyan. Thanks

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