8 Ancient Methods For Baby Boy Symptoms During Pregnancy

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Old Methods To Detect Baby Gender In Womb

As modern technology advances, it’s easier than ever to determine the gender of a baby in the womb through ultrasound scans. However, before the invention of modern technology, midwives and women in different cultures used various methods to predict the gender of the baby. While these methods may not be scientifically accurate, they were still widely used and continue to be popular in some cultures today. In this article, we’ll explore 8 ancient ways midwives used to predict baby gender without using modern technology


Chinese Gender Calendar

The Chinese Gender Calendar, also known as the Chinese Lunar Calendar, is believed to be over 700 years old. It is based on the Chinese lunar calendar, which is different from the Western solar calendar. According to this method, the age of the mother at the time of conception and the month of conception can determine the gender of the baby. The calendar has been used for centuries in China, and it is still widely used today.

The Chinese Gender Calendar is easy to use, and it is available online. To use it, you simply need to enter the mother’s age at the time of conception and the month of conception. The calendar will then provide a prediction of the baby’s gender. While the accuracy of the Chinese Gender Calendar is not guaranteed, many people find it to be a fun and interesting way to predict the gender of their baby.

Belly Shape

According to some beliefs, the shape of a woman’s belly during pregnancy can indicate the gender of the baby. It is said that a woman who is carrying a boy will have a lower belly, while a woman who is carrying a girl will have a higher belly.

This method is based on the idea that the gender of the baby can affect the way a woman’s body carries the pregnancy. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this belief, and the shape of a woman’s belly is influenced by a variety of factors, including the size and position of the baby.

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Morning Sickness

Another method that some people believe can predict the gender of a baby is morning sickness. It is said that women who experience more severe morning sickness during the first trimester are more likely to be carrying a girl.

This belief is based on the idea that the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy can affect a woman’s symptoms. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this belief, and the severity of morning sickness can vary widely from woman to woman.


According to some beliefs, the food cravings of a pregnant woman can indicate the gender of the baby. It is said that women who crave sweet foods are more likely to be carrying a girl, while women who crave salty or sour foods are more likely to be carrying a boy.

This method is based on the idea that the gender of the baby can affect a woman’s hormones and thus influence her food preferences. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this belief, and food cravings during pregnancy are influenced by a variety of factors, including hormonal changes, nutritional needs, and psychological factors.

Mayan Method

The Mayan method of predicting baby gender involves the use of a Mayan calendar. The mother’s age and the year of conception are used to determine the gender of the baby. If both numbers are even or odd, the baby is predicted to be a girl. If one number is even and one number is odd, the baby is predicted to be a boy.

The Wedding Ring Test

The wedding ring test is a simple method used to predict the gender of a baby. The test involves tying a piece of string to the mother’s wedding ring and holding it over her belly. If the ring swings back and forth, the baby is predicted to be a boy. If the ring swings in a circular motion, the baby is predicted to be a girl.

The Ramzi Method

The Ramzi method is a relatively new technique used to predict the gender of a baby. It involves using an ultrasound scan to determine the location of the placenta. According to the Ramzi method, if the placenta is on the right side of the uterus, the baby is predicted to be a boy. If the placenta is on the left side of the uterus, the baby is predicted to be a girl.

The Baking Soda Test

The baking soda test is another popular method used to predict the gender of a baby. The test involves mixing baking soda and the mother’s urine in a container. If the mixture fizzes, the baby is predicted to be a boy. If the mixture remains flat, the baby is predicted to be a girl.

In conclusion, these ancient methods may not be as reliable as modern ultrasound scans, but they offer an interesting glimpse into how people predicted baby gender before modern technology. It’s important to remember that these methods are not scientifically proven, and their accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Baby boy symptoms during pregnancy, baby boy gender prediction during pregnancy, symptoms of baby boy or girl in womb. How to know if its a girl or a boy in womb, signs of baby boy in womb, baby girl symptoms in womb.

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