Sixth month of pregnancy is approximately the 21st to 25th week of pregnancy

Fat has begun to form under the baby’s skin and the development of blood vessels is in full swing

The baby’s skin is still wrinkled. The baby’s skin color is dark pink

The baby is opening and closing eyes. By the end of the sixth month the eyebrows and eyelashes are fully developed

The ear is developing and a very important ear bone has started to form which will improve the baby’s hearing ability

Baby is able to feel taste, touch, sound and light. So whatever you are eating the baby may like or dislike and react accordingly.

Development of baby’s brain and lungs takes its own time and will become fully developed and functional by the end of the 8th month of pregnancy 

Development of the spine, ligaments, muscles and joints is complete. Baby has started moving

If you are not feeling the baby's movement then it is time that you should consult your gynaecologist

Baby's weight is around 600 grams and length will be around 12 inches lengthy