Garbhgyan App Disclaimer

Here we (Garbhgyan Pregnancy Calculator, us, Mobile App, App) want to make it very clear that we are just a medium to convey the information and advices via our content (post/images/videos/blogs/texts on app or on Pregnancy. We usually take help from many sources to prepare our content viz. blogs, internet research, old books like ancient ayurvedic books and undocumented data like old people sayings, old-wives tales etc. Though these informations are of great help in general cases however we even do not certainly can say that every piece of tips and trick would work.


Our part is to make you aware of pregnancy do’s and don’ts. However to ascertain that this will perfectly work on you absolutely lie with you and your medical practitioner/health care expert. Any suggestion, advice or tip mentioned in our content should not be adopted as-is without approval from your healthcare expert. We want to state that we do not practice medicine. So, though we try to mention this explicitly in our videos, but if we didn’t, you must be taking a “go ahead” from your healthcare expert before implementing any tip/remedy driven from our content. The pregnancy calculations done in the app are just approximation. To be precise about your pregnancy dates and other statistics, be in consistent touch with your health care provider.


Advertisement are shown on our app to generate revenue as to make this app free to be used by everyone. The products or services advertised and its effects are not guaranteed or endorsed by Garbhgyan app. So kindly evaluate the products or services in advertisement yourself or with your health expert before using or purchasing them.


“Garbhgyan Pregnancy Calculator” mobile app would not be liable for any loss of any kind that you may incur as a result of implementing the advice, tips or trick we mention in our content or using any product advertised on our app. The sole responsibility lie with viewer to check on facts with medical practitioner before adopting any advice from our content.