Maternity Insurance Covers medical costs related to pregnancy, pre-pregnancy and delivery of the baby

Many insurance plans have a waiting period before maternity benefits begin. Waiting period should be as short as possible

Make sure your maternity insurance takes C-section delivery into account too

Compare various maternity insurance plan on various portals and select that provides all features at affordable premium

Make sure there are some reputable hospitals in the network list that are near or around you

Understand limitations and restrictions viz. room capping, pre-existing conditions restrictions, second or subsequent pregnancies etc.

A simple, easy and transparent claims process is important. Consider providers that have over 98% claim settlement

Look for no-claim bonuses ranging from 50% to 150% and more. The higher the bonus, the better coverage you will get the next time you need it

If you have prior Health Insurance, check with your provider for Rider Maternity Coverage

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